Commonly asked questions or FAQ’s about what it means to enter into a coaching relationship. Additionally, learn more about working with Lynn Dessert as your coach.

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Coaching FAQ’s

What is the difference between counseling or therapy, consulting and coaching?

Therapy often involves psychological problems and is focused on identifying and resolving past issues that interfere with day-to-day functioning. Therefore, the therapist is in the lead role of the relationship.

In consulting, a consultant provides their unbiased expertise and advice to the client. Generally, the consulting relationship is directive and performance driven with specific consultant deliverables. So, the consultant plays the lead role in the relationship guiding or teaching the client as the expert.

Coaching is grounded in that the person coming into the relationship does not need to be “fixed”. They are on a pathway for improving or moving forward with their personal or professional agenda. Ideally, the coach’s role is to support that movement and to not get in the way by leading or providing direction. Consequently, the client is in the lead role and identifies what is most important.

Is coaching right for me?

If you are looking to grow professionally or personally to achieve specific goals or outcomes, then coaching may be for you. Unlike training, coaching is done over several months to years. You set goals and hold yourself accountable for making progress. There may be challenges along the way and your coach can help you navigate them.

How do you select a coach?
  1. Is your coach certified? Check to see if your coach is certified by an independent organization that requires training, coaching time and coaching supervision before undergoing a testing process. Undeniably, this is form of certification is rigorous and ensures that your coach has either a basic, professional or master level of skill.
  2. Does your coach specialize in the area you want coaching in? Having a coach who is experienced in the area you want to work on because they know what powerful questions to ask.
  3. Does your coach know your industry or business? Great coaches will pick up the lingo and model of your business quickly. In fact, sometimes it is better that they don’t know your business so that your thinking is challenged more often.

In summary, it is better to have a great coach who uses their skills no matter what areas or industry they work in. Great coaches will refer if they believe they are not a good fit.

How long will you need to work with a coach?

The length of time you work with a coach is dependent on a number of factors:

  1. What is your starting point?
  2. Where do you want to go?
  3. How fast do you want to get there?
  4. Are you a life learner?

Short-term outcomes are accomplished in three to six months, sometimes less. Where as, long-term or multiple pronged outcomes span six to eighteen months. I have clients who work with me for awhile, take a break and then come back to establish new outcomes.

Who do you work with?

My clients have been executives, vice-presidents, provosts, doctors, directors, managers or someone just out of college. They have one thing in common – they are high achievers in their own right. Often, they have a vision of where they want to go. Undoubtely, they are capable and smart; instinctively they know they may need a little help along the way.

Also, companies utilize coaching for professional development. Coaching is an investment in shaping their future leaders or helping them to be more successful in expanded roles.

What are your areas of coaching speciality?

I work in three areas:

  1. Executive and leadership coaching in organizations.
  2. Higher Education, especially in the medicine and/or research.
  3. Career coaching for private individuals who look to advance their careers inside their organization or are ready to make a change.
What is your training and background for coaching?

There are three major areas of my background that are important:

Training, Certifications and Education

I am credentialed as a Master Certified Coach (MCC) through the International Coaching Federation and a Neuro Linguistic Programming Coach (NLP). I have over 3500 hours of coaching time with internal and external clients. Additonally, I am certified to administer and deliver feedback in many assessment tools. My degrees include: B.A. in Social Work and M.B.A in Management.

Areas of Expertise

During the early part of m corporate career I worked in Operations and subsequently moved into a Human Resources role. I was selected to be a part of a High Potential Employee Program and rose quickly to the Vice President level, touching each aspect of the Human Resources discipline.

Industry and Business Knowledge 

Because of the fast tract nature of my own professional growth, I have been fortunate to work in a number of industries and businesses: education, financial services, pharmaceuticals, biotech, high technology, chemical, professional services, technical services and manufacturing. 

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