Individual Coaching
We can work on what’s in front of you, while also focusing on your long-term professional and personal goals.
Indivdual coaching is between you and me.
Let me share what an individual coaching engagement looks like for you.
First, we identify what your long-term goals and outcomes are for professional and personal development. Knowing where you want to go helps you make better decisions about the current challenges you are facing. Together, we create solutions for you to test out and adopt.
Our direct-pay individual coaching programs provide total freedom to identify what you want to work on and how you go about doing it.
Here are some typical scenarios for indivdual coaching:
First-Time Leaders
Prioritization and time management
Strategically manage your career trajectory
Manage difficult personalities
Build a productive team
Poor communication of ideas or feelings
Influence and compromise skills
Increase personal flexibility and adaptability
Trusting others and sharing accountability
Identify personal leadership visionskills
Deal with difficult people - co-workers/boss/direct reports
Effectively providing and receiving feedback
Increase confidence in meetings
Learn about and navigate organizational politics
Develop interpersonal and communication skills
Become more adaptable/flexible to new leadership role demands
Leading a team development initiative
Individual Coaching Packages
Coaching is an investment in your own development – embarking on a journey to reach your personal and professional goals.
Power Coaching Session
First time working with a coach? Opt for the single session for 1.5 hours. Schedule your session after payment is made via the portal.
Individual Coaching – Six Month Coaching Package
Starting at $3600*
What’s included:
- 11 One-Hour Coaching Sessions
- Email Support
Individual Coaching – Twelve Month Coaching Package
Starting at $6000*
What’s included:
- 20 One-hour coaching sessions
- Email Support
* Monthly Paypal billing available – additional fees apply. Contact us to set up your payment program.

Lynn Dessert, MCC
Master Certified Coach
- Master Certified Coach (MCC), International Coaching Federation
- Certified Mentor Coach
Working with clients, I’ve logged over 3,500 hours.
Set up your Discovery Session to learn about your goals and see if we’re a fit.
Individual Coaching
Additional Services
Sometimes at the start of our working together it is helpful to learn more about yourself through assessments. There are two assessments that may be most useful: a 360-degree assessment such as Benchmarks or Hogan and the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument which identifies your thinking preferences.
I am certified to administer and deliver results on these assessments.
Center for Creative Leadership Assessments
- Benchmarks for Executives
- Benchmarks for Leaders
- Benchmarks for Learning Agility
- Benchmarks by Design
- Skillscope
Hogan Assessments Suite
- Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)
- Hogan Development Survey (HDS)
- Motive, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI)
- Emotional Intelligence
- Hogan 360
Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument (HBDI)
Based on brain based theory, the HBDI measures your thinking style preferences. How you think affects how you make decisions, problem-solve, interact with others and manage stress.
Actualized Leadership
- Actualized Leadership Profile
- ALP360
- Group Culture Profile